Contact Info

Danhil Containers

3715 Lucius McCelvey Dr

, TX 76504


News & Announcements
  • Emergency Room vs. Urgent Care

    When you need medical care now, do you know where to turn? Most people go straight for the emergency room (ER). But, you may have another option—an urgent care clinic—that could be more suited to treat your illness or injury. So, what's the difference between the emergency room and an urgent care clinic?  Read More

  • Why spend money on wellness?

    Benefits and wellness programs are an investment in you and your family. Helping you learn how to live healthier—and motivating you to make health a priority—is the right thing to do.  Read More

  • Hearing Risks

    Sound can be a beautiful thing. Typically, sound in our daily lives are at safe levels and don’t damage our hearing. But when sounds are too loud they can damage sensitive structures in the inner ear and cause noise-induced hearing loss.  Read More

The information included in this portal is a high-level summary of common benefits. For more details about your plans, please refer to your Plan Document, Summary Plan Description or Certificate of Insurance Coverage. The information in those formal plan documents governs.
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